Foxwell Fox Terriers
Offspring of Ch. Foxwell's Champagne Charlie
Ch. Foxden Touch-Up
(Ch. Foxden Warpaint, SD, CG x Foxden Hornet, ROM)
Foxwell's Escapade
Lauren was shown briefly in Oregon, picking up a 4 point major. I leased her to Mr. Hill for a litter, in which she produced Foxden Intrigue When she was returned to me she was sold to a breeder in British Columbia, Canada just before I moved to CT in 1991.
Int'l/Am/Can Ch. Foxwell's Enforcer, CGC
Frank was purchased by Desiree Armour, of Portland OR, who also owned Foxwell's Keepsake. Des had Frank handled by Denis Springer to his Championships, with many Group & Specialty wins along the way. Frank Won the Canadian Specialy, and was #3 Smooth in Canada in 1993. He also made the top 10 in the USA, but was unable to attend. the invitational show.
Ch. Foxfaire Flying Colours, ROM
(Ch. Amberwood Explorer, ROM x Ch. Salcrest Roulette, ROM)
This was a litter I had great hopes for,
but only one bitch turned
out ring worthy out of a litter of 3.
Can. Ch. Foxwell's Copyright
Millie was pointed in the States, but not finished. Winnie Stout (Quissex) acquired her, then passed her to Emily Gratton of Trollhatten Kennels,
Nova Scotia, Canada.
She produced some nice puppies for Emily.
Foxden Jade, ROM
(Ch. Foxden Guardsman x Ch. Foxden Bit of Muslin, ROM)
This litter was bred by Mr. Hill, Champ was the only puppy who turned out in the litter.
Foxden Bollinger
Champ was purchased by an elderly gentleman in IL.
He was shown some, but never finished.
Before leaving for the Mid-West, he secured a
Specialty Best in Sweeps win.
Ch. Foxwell's Lady in Red, DD
(Ch. Foxden Warspite, SD x Ch. Seafarer Sudden Impact, ROM)
This was the accidental breeding, see under
Only one bitch was shown.
Ch. Foxwell Joy Trailblazer
Jessie finished her Championship quickley
and was bred to Ch. Top Hat Polo, ROM for
her only litter, which produced
Ch. Joyfield's Marco and the Khan
who is pictured below
Marco's only litter was out of
2000 Linda Sallee-Hill
Photo from Linda Sallee-Hill
Photo from Linda Sallee-Hill
Photo from Linda Sallee-Hill
Photo from Linda Sallee-Hill
Photo from Linda Sallee-Hill
Chappy's first litter was out of Flirt. Thanks to the generosity of Mrs. Farrell (Foxden), who allowed me to lease Flirt for her first litter. Flirt was from the last litter produced by Ch. Foxden Warpaint, SD, CG. There were two bitches and one dog in the litter.